The Bad Boys film series is an immensely popular action-comedy franchise. It follows two cops, Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence). Watch Bad Boys movies as they navigate Miami’s treacherous streets together as part of their mission to dismantle criminal organizations using specific skills and personalities of each.
Are You Wondering how many Bad Boys movies there are? Currently, there are four available. Follow this guide to all Bad Boys Movies in Order.
How Many Bad Boys Movies Are There?
Meet the Bad Boys – Miami detectives who fight crime and crack jokes. Are You Wondering How Many Bad Boys Movies are there? Well, the answer is Four! Want to catch up with Mike and Marcus’ previous adventures? Here is a chronological listing of all Bad Boys movies released.
- Bad Boys (1995)
- Bad Boys II (2003)
- Bad Boys for Life (2020)
- Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)
1. Bad Boys (1995)
The film that started it all, the 1995 Bad Boys film, introduced us to our Bad Boys as they investigate and recover $100 million in seized Mafia heroin in 72 hours. Critics claimed that Michael Bay’s feature directorial debut lacked a compelling plot. However, the chemistry between Will Smith and Martin Lawrence made up for it, with the audience instantly connecting with them.
Despite receiving mixed reviews from critics, Bad Boys was commercially successful, grossing $141 million worldwide. The film also inspired an Indian film, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, which debuted in Indian theaters in 1998. For another mafia movie suggestion, check out Griseld.
2. Bad Boys II (2003)
Bad Boys 2, eight years after the first film, was released in theaters in the United States on July 18, 2003, following a series of script rewrites. The film picks up eight years after Bad Boys (1995), with Mike and Marcus investigating ecstasy trafficking in Miami. The film was heavily criticized for its excessive use of explosive scenes to compensate for a lack of a compelling plot.
According to critics, the banter between the characters was also witless, sparking a controversy over one scene in which a teenage boy made racist remarks. Despite the negative reviews, it did relatively well commercially, grossing $273 million worldwide against a budget of $130 million.
3. Bad Boys For Life (2020)
Bad Boys for Life, directed by Belgian film directors Adil & Bilall, was created after much thought following the poor reception of Bad Boys 2. After several attempts to begin production, the project was completed in October 2018. It ended the Bad Boys franchise’s 17-year break and was released on January 17, 2020. The film follows Bad Boys as they face personal and professional challenges while teaming up to take down an antagonistic cartel leader.
Unlike the previous two films, Bad Boys for Life received positive reviews and became the franchise’s highest-grossing film. It earned $424.6 million worldwide, with a production budget of $90 million. The film was credited with encouraging this long-dormant franchise, which notified plans for a sequel. Also, discover an epic underwater heist like no other with Bandidos season 1.
4. Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)
The fourth film in the franchise, Bad Boys: Ride or Die, began production just days after Bad Boys for Life, which was released in January 2020. However, production was reportedly halted after Smith slapped Chris Rock during the 2022 Academy Awards ceremony. The film resumed pre-production in February 2023 and is now set for release on June 7, 2024. Despite reports that Smith has pulled out of the film, he and Lawrence will return.
Bad Boys: Ride or Die will occur four years after the events of Bad Boys for Life. The official synopsis for the film reads this (via IMDb):
This summer, the world’s favorite Bad Boys return with their iconic mix of adrenaline-pumping action and outrageous comedy, but with a twist: Miami’s finest are now on the run.
Adil and Bilall will return to direct, while Chris Bremner will write the script.
Why Did the Bad Boys Movies in Order Are So Popular?
Audiences have long cherished Bad Boys films for the on-screen chemistry between Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, particularly as one of cinema history’s most beloved buddy cop teams. Their hilarious comedic timing and engaging banter have become one of its main draws.
Watch Bad Boys movies because they are an irresistibly captivating film series filled with thrilling action scenes, captivating car chases, and explosions that keep audiences on their toes! There’s never an end to the excitement and entertainment when watching Bad Boys films!
The Bad Boys franchise has become a cultural phenomenon, featuring merchandise, video games, and an ever-expanding fan base. Renowned for its blend of humor, action, and memorable characters – its films remain perennially popular with audiences of all ages!
Wrap Up!
This guide has answered the question “How many Bad Boys movies are there?” The Bad Boys franchise remains popular today among action and comedy audiences and offers fast-paced action sequences, thrilling car chases, and memorable characters that still hold audiences’ interest today. Watch the movie Bad Boys now!