Step into the captivating world of “One Day,” a British television series adapted from David Nicholls’ beloved novel and its film adaptation. Premiering on Netflix on February 8, 2024, this limited series consists of 14 episodes, each running between 19 to 38 minutes. Produced by Drama Republic, Universal International Studios, and Focus Features, executive producers Roanna Benn, David Nicholls, Jude Liknaitzky, and Nicole Taylor bring the series to life. Following the intertwined lives of Emma and Dexter, portrayed against the backdrop of significant moments spanning decades, “One Day” promises a poignant exploration of love, friendship, and the passage of time. Viewers can access the series outside the US using ExpressVPN, following our comprehensive guide.
Access One Day Season 1: Your 4-Step Guide
If you want to unblock geo-restrictions and stream One Day season 1, then we recommend following these simple steps:
1. Sign Up for the VPN
Start by signing up for a trusted VPN service such as ExpressVPN. Pick the subscription plan that aligns with your requirements.
2. Install the VPN
Install the VPN app on your preferred device. ExpressVPN caters to a wide array of platforms, including Windows PCs, Macs, iOS, Android, and more.
3. Connect to A US based server
Connect to a server based in the USA to bypass regional restrictions.
4. Go to Netflix
Head over to the Netflix website or app and search for the One Day season 1 and enjoy streaming the show from anywhere.
Where to catch the One Day season 1 trailer?
You can watch the trailer here:
Which VPNs are preferable for streaming One Day season 1 outside the US?
Following two are the best recommended by viewers:
ExpressVPN — Secure Option
ExpressVPN stands out for its exceptional server connections, remarkable speed, and a starting price of $6.67 per month. It offers a 49% discount and three extra months in its 12-month subscription plan. It allows up to eight simultaneous device connections. ExpressVPN promises high security for its users, including a kill switch.
Surfshark VPN — Economic Connection
Surfshark VPN is more expensive at $12.95 per month. However, it offers unlimited simultaneous connections. This feature makes it a cost-effective option for users with multiple devices. Long-term plans of Surfshark VPN start at $ 47.88 annually, with renewal at $59.76. It has an extensive server network, multi-hop, and split tunneling, but users have reported issues with the IP rotator feature. Moreover, the privacy policy requires clarification as well.
ExpressVPN vs SurfsharkVPN: Which one is the best pick?
We’ll discuss the major differences between the two VPNs before you opt for a specific one:
ExpressVPN Pros | SurfsharkVPN Pros |
Extensive Server Network | Lightning-fast speeds |
Secure Encrypted DNS Queries | Unlimited device connections |
Military-Grade Encryption and No Logs Policy | Flexible pricing plans |
ExpressVPN Cons | SurfsharkVPN Cons |
Higher pricing compared to SurfsharkVPN | Some servers might have slower speeds |
Limited to eight devices per license | App interface can be less intuitive |
No ad blocker feature | Billed annually options might be costly |
What’s the release date of One Day season 1?
One Day Season 1 premieres on Netflix, 8th February 2024.
What’s the plot of One Day season 1?
In “One Day,” Emma and Dexter’s journey begins on the night of their graduation, setting the stage for a series of encounters over the years. As they navigate life’s challenges in 1989, their paths diverge, leading them to contemplate their futures from distant locales. Despite their separate journeys, their bond remains, anchoring them to a shared moment of possibility and uncertainty.
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Who’s the main cast of One Day season 1?
The cast includes the following:
Cast | Characters |
Ambika Mod | Emma Morley |
Leo Woodall | Dexter Mayhew |
Eleanor Tomlinson | Sylvie |
Essie Davis | Alison Mayhew |
Tim McInnerny | Stephen Mayhew |
What are the main highlights from One Day season 1 episodes?
There are 14 episodes in total, which are described here:
In Total 14 episodes, Emma and Dexter’s almost-romance on graduation night sets the stage for a series of missed opportunities and unexpected reunions. Their bond deepens over the years as they navigate life’s twists and turns, from creative droughts to family visits and awkward encounters. Despite their separate paths, their connection remains strong, culminating in a reflection on their intertwined past and the familiar faces that resurface along the way.
What’s the IMDb rating for the One Day season 1?
Episode 1 | 7.2 |
Episode 2 | 7.1 |
Episode 3 | 7.4 |
Episode 4 | 7.9 |
Episode 5 | 8.2 |
Episode 6 | 7.7 |
Episode 7 | 8.2 |
Episode 8 | 8.0 |
Episode 9 | 7.6 |
Episode 10 | 8.6 |
Episode 11 | 7.8 |
Episode 12 | 8.8 |
Episode 13 | 8.2 |
Episode 14 | 8.7 |
What fans have to say about season 1 of One Day?
Viewers on Rotten Tomatoes offer mixed opinions on “One Day” season 1. While some find it a delightful rom-com with warm wit and a captivating soundtrack, others consider it saccharine and predictable. Some praise its steady charm and intensity, while others find it excruciatingly indulgent, cautioning against binge-watching due to its potentially overwhelming sweetness
More shows like One Day
The series starts and ends in Edinburgh, Scotland.
One Day, a popular TV show on Netflix, is not based on a true story despite its realistic feel.
the series spans 14 episodes for a total of 6 hours and 40 minutes
Emma is hit by a car and dies.
Enjoy One Day Season 1 non-stop with ExpressVPN only
One Day season 1 offers a compelling narrative journey through the lives of Emma and Dexter, expertly adapted from David Nicholls’ acclaimed novel. With its stellar production team, including executive producers Roanna Benn, David Nicholls, Jude Liknaitzky, and Nicole Taylor, the series provides a captivating viewing experience. Whether you’re drawn to its heartfelt storytelling or its exploration of relationships and life’s milestones, “One Day” is a must-watch. Outside the US, viewers can easily access the series using ExpressVPN, following our guide for seamless streaming.